AI Chatbots for Sales and Customer Support

How customer response time affects sales
  • 90%
    Buyers expect an immediate response
  • 78%
    Customers are bought from the first seller who responds
  • 44%
    Buyers are considered to have received a response on time - no more than 5 minutes of waiting.
SELZIO - All clients were answered on time!
with the help of artificial intelligence
High conversions
Instant answers
24-hour sales
online retail, services, infobusiness, consulting, education
Quick start and growth of your online business with minimal costs
Sales Department
Increase Sales and Conversions with Advanced Analytics
Support Service
Improving Customer Satisfaction with Automated Support
Contact center
Optimizing your contact center for fast, accurate customer service
Why do employees respond to customers with delays?
There are not enough employees, but it is not possible to hire them
  • Lack of suitable candidates
    The candidate must have good communication skills.
  • The Difficulty of Scaling Fast
    Seasonality and rapid growth of traffic require the rapid recruitment of a large number of employees.
  • Competition for specialists
    Leads to an increase in the wage fund
Why Selzio?
  • Intelligent Answers
    Not templates, but personalized, unique responses to clients
  • The bot understands the essence of the question
    Answers based on the company's knowledge base
  • Knows all popular languages
    Can switch to any language during a conversation
communication and sales